
A world without flowers!

Sunday 11 June 2023, 16:00

An interactive, musical and philosophical tale is brought to you by the Compagnie Coralena, performed in the heart of the botanical Garden

Inspired by a legend from Oceania, words, notes, questions, plots and games intertwine…
Actor at each stage of the story, the public is invited to participate in the performance as it unfolds. Like a mirror, the performance reflects the evolution of all the protagonists of the moment.
Join us and together we will experiment, discover and play throughout the show!
By the Compagnie Coralena

The performance is linked to the exhibition #PlanèteVerte - missions botaniques. It is free of charge and will take place regardless of the weather conditions. In case of bad weather, the performance takes place in the temperate greenhouse.

Les deux actrices de la Compagnie Coralena mises en scène durant leur performance dans leur triporteur.

Practical informations


Conservatoire et Jardin botaniques

Chemin de l'Impératrice 1, 1292 Chambésy

Meeting place

La Coulée, côté est de la serre tempérée

Pricing conditions

Free, no need to register in advance

Audience type

General public

Recommended age

De 8 à 99 ans


Anouchka Maeder