Guided visit

Bénédict Hochreutiner, a knowledgeable botanist, traveller and philosopher dedicated to the botany in Geneva

Tuesday 10 September, 17:30

Delve into the life and work of Bénédict Hochreutiner, botanist, philosopher and director of the Geneva Botanical Garden

Bénédict Hochreutiner was not only the director of the Geneva Botanical Garden, but also an outstanding botanical scientist, traveller and philosopher dedicated to botany of Geneva
Follow the presentation dedicated to Bénédict Hochreutiner.

This guided tour is part of the “Variations botaniques” series and complements "Our Illustrious Scientists", an exhibition included in COLLECTOR and dedicated to the great names in botany who have marked the history of the Geneva Botanical Garden and whose remarkable contributions to our collections are on display to mark the 200th anniversary of the Conservatoire.
Visit our full programme of activities

Photographie sepia de Bénédict Hochreutiner de profil

Practical informations


Conservatoire et Jardin botaniques

Chemin de l'Impératrice 1, 1292 Chambésy

Meeting place

Entrée principale, Place Albert-Thomas

Booking and ticketing


Audience type

General public


Martin Callmander et Patrick Bungener